While I was driving a couple days ago, my left turn signal started blinking spastically. So I read through my service manual to figure out what was wrong and found that the 2x faster blinking was an indicator for a blown bulb... Yup, I'm still a noob. lol
I picked up a new bulb today at the parts department in Dodge for $2. I was a little worried about how hard it would be to replace a bulb since I've never had to replace a bulb before. But the install wasn't bad at all. All I had to do was pull the electrical plug off, unscrew the bulb harness, pop the old bulb out, put the new one in, and put it back together! It only took me a couple minutes AND I did the install in the rain while holding an umbrella tucked in my arm!
I picked up a new bulb today at the parts department in Dodge for $2. I was a little worried about how hard it would be to replace a bulb since I've never had to replace a bulb before. But the install wasn't bad at all. All I had to do was pull the electrical plug off, unscrew the bulb harness, pop the old bulb out, put the new one in, and put it back together! It only took me a couple minutes AND I did the install in the rain while holding an umbrella tucked in my arm!
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