Since the weather was nice today, I decided to go ahead and figure out a way to mount my tripod on the cargo bar. My first attempt was to put it above the seatbelt height adjusters just like Jason & Steve's 89' Civic Si. I'm guessing that their seats were a lot thinner than mine because with the bar above the seatbelt adjusters, I ran into problems. I almost couldn't extend my legs at all because my knees would hit, I had trouble with accessing the shifter, and I was just way too close to the wheel.
This is a picture with the bar set higher up:
On my second attempt, I put the cargo bar above the slit where the seatbelt feeds through. This worked out extremely well because it gave me so much space that I could put my seat too far away from the pedals and the wheel. So for the next event, I'll know where to put the bar and not have to panic about where to put it.
This is a picture with the bar set higher up:
On my second attempt, I put the cargo bar above the slit where the seatbelt feeds through. This worked out extremely well because it gave me so much space that I could put my seat too far away from the pedals and the wheel. So for the next event, I'll know where to put the bar and not have to panic about where to put it.
This is a picture with the bar set lower which gave me more leg room:
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