Friday, August 3, 2007

Tire Pressure Tuner: White Shoe Polish

While I waited for my A/C to get fixed, I walked to the local hardware store and picked up my own bottle of white shoe polish. I can't wait to try it out and finally figure out what pressures my tires Love the most. Since I'll be sticking with my Kumho ASX's probably forever (Argh! Stupid winter snow...), this will be a good thing to keep my tire/ driver/ wallet relationship happy in the long run. Haha ...

The way you use it is exactly the same way it is being used in this picture. You mark a white line over
the arrow that points to the spot at which the tires should rollover. You start off at the maximum tire pressure branded on the sidewall. For me, it's 50psi. If the shoe polish marking doesn't scrub off near the arrow, you have to lower your pressure in a recommended 2psi. Continue until the shoe polish scrubs off at the very tip of the arrow. Once it hits the spot, that's the perfect pressure to run.

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